A Post For My Favorite Human

  Noone's going to replace you, that's for sure. Today is your special day and I hope you'll make the most of it. I want you to know how special you are to me, but I guess you already know that. You've always been the man I always wanted you to be. A man who's... Continue Reading →

When I Was Four

First of all, I want to apologize because this post again contains how much I'm inlove with the guy on the first picture and how he made me feel. (HAHAHA). So tonight, I made a poem for my babe again. I'm suppose to post this on our ninth month-sary but I just can't wait that... Continue Reading →

Loving You: A Poem For My Babe

Lately, I've been writing about death, sorrow, and depression. But on this post, it'll be a lot different. I found this piece saved in my memo app. And guess what, it's dated August 17, 2015. That's when me and my babe are building our relationship as girlfriend and boyfriend. I guess you can tell with... Continue Reading →

Dead Love

This piece talks about the love you have for someone who left you, who died. You remind me of the memories       I'm trying to forget. You bring me to places       I don't want to go. You give me the feeling of a company       When I'm alone. You make me hear a song... Continue Reading →

Before Sleeping At Night

Being in a long distance relationship is never easy. You need to deal with the distance, time difference, the loneliness, and even jealousy of the people who get to see your significant other. Indeed, it is not easy but it is always worth it. My boyfriend and I are in a such relationship and so... Continue Reading →

Distant Love

I'm in a so called 'long distance relationship'. It's very challenging and being in this kind of relationship has changed me a lot. You both need to adjust with each other's time and schedule. It's hard but I know it'll be worth it. Distant Love My love, I am so happy to see you,                          ... Continue Reading →

I Love You Then, I Loved You Now.

Love can't always be good for us. Sometimes you need to let go of love even if it's important to you. Remember that God asks us to let go of something, in exchange for something better. I love you. I love you like how my dad loves my mom. Unconditional. I love you like how the moon shines at night, magical. I love you like the universe. Eternal. But my love for you is not the only thing to be considered.  I love you. I love you like how Ariel loved Prince Eric. Disobeyed the rules to be with him. I love you like how Belle loved the Beast. Despite the ugliness, she fell for him. I love you like how the Prince loved Snow White. Searched all the lands, just to be with her. But we're not fictional characters. We are two real persons,  In two different worlds.... Continue Reading →

One Good Example Would Be Us

Now that you're not with me anymore, I want to share what is it like to love you and to lose you. You may not read this...ever. But at least I can ease the feelings I have that's killing me inside. I hope you'll like it. 🙂 You were the song I sing, the music... Continue Reading →